> 自媒体 > (AI)人工智能 > 开学逆袭!用DeepSeek 3步精通整个学期英语单词,告别死记硬背!
开学逆袭!用DeepSeek 3步精通整个学期英语单词,告别死记硬背!
2025-02-09 16:16:02



别慌!今天我们就来学习如何利用DeepSeek R1强大的深度推理和学习能力,快速帮你找回记忆,彻底掌握任何学段的英语单词!

DeepSeek R1是什么?





第一步:精准定位!找到你的单词表教材/大纲:小学/初中: 找到你正在使用的英语教材,或者教育部门发布的教学大纲,整理出本学期/本学年的单词表。高中: 参考高考英语大纲,或者你使用的教材,整理出需要复习的单词表。(通用技巧): 如果教材没有总单词表,可以逐单元整理,或者在网上搜索“[学段] [教材版本] 单词表”。网络资源:在搜索引擎(如百度、必应)中输入“[学段] [教材版本/大纲] 英语单词表”。寻找可靠的来源,比如教育网站、学校官网、知名教育机构发布的资料。

第二步:深度学习!DeepSeek R1帮你“玩转”单词

现在,我们有了单词表,但死记硬背太枯燥了!DeepSeek R1能帮你把单词融入到各种有趣、有深度的学习材料中,让你在理解中轻松记忆。


传统AI模型(SFT模型): 像听话的“小学生”,你需要一步步告诉它怎么做(比如,给出详细的指令、提供示例等)。DeepSeek R1(RL/RLHF模型): 像聪明的“大学生”,你只需要告诉它“你要什么”(起点)和“希望达到什么效果”(终点),它就能自己思考、推理,找到最佳的解决方案。

DeepSeek R1的推理能力,让我们能够用一种全新的方式来学习。这种方式的核心,就是掌握如何设置“起点”和“终点”提示词。

起点(任务描述): 告诉DeepSeek R1你需要解决什么问题,或者你想学习什么内容。 描述越清晰、越具体,DeepSeek R1就越能理解你的需求。 根据任务的复杂程度,你可以选择“隐式”(模糊)或“显式”(清晰)的描述方式。终点(期望结果): 告诉DeepSeek R1你希望得到什么样的结果,或者你期望的学习效果。 不要具体描述“怎么做”,而是从“抽象”的层面描述你对结果的期望(比如,全面性、有效性、趣味性等)。打开DeepSeek R1对话界面。上传你的单词表输入高级指令(针对DeepSeek R1优化):指令模板(起点 终点):



### 初三英语单词复习材料设计 **目标**:通过语境化学习巩固词汇,提升中考高频词的应用能力。 ---#### **模块1-2:自然与人文景观** **主题短文**: Last summer, my family visited the **Grand Canyon**, a **natural wonder** in the **eastern** part of the country. The **silver** moonlight **shone** on the **grey** rocks, making the **sky** look magical. We walked **beside** a **stream** and saw **millions of** stars **above** us. **In my opinion**, this trip was **more than** just a vacation—it was a chance to connect with nature. **练习**: 1. **填空**:The ________ (人造的) dam controls the water flow of the river. (答案:man-made) 2. **造句**:用 "go through" 和 "wonder" 描述一次旅行经历。 > 例句:We went through a dark cave and finally saw the wonder of the underground lake. ---#### **模块3-4:科技与日常生活** **情景对话**: A: Did you **manage** to fix the **electricity** problem? B: Yes, but I had to **shut** down the system and **lock** the control room. **By the way**, don’t forget to **turn off** the lights **before midnight**. A: Thanks! I’ll **text** you the **instructions** later. **练习**: 1. **配对**: - ( ) 1. platform a. 短信 - ( ) 2. text message b. 站台 - ( ) 3. empty c. 空的 (答案:1-b, 2-a, 3-c) 2. **翻译**:请“提交作业前检查答案”。(用 "hand in") > 答案:Check your answers before handing in your homework. ---#### **模块5-6:规则与习惯** **故事续写**: Tom was **punished** because he broke the **rule**—he used his phone **during class**. His teacher said, “**No entry** to the lab if you **keep making noise**!” Tom felt **unhappy**, but he promised to **get into the habit of** focusing on **schoolwork**. **练习**: 1. **选择正确短语**: The team ______ (suffered from / managed) lack of practice, so they lost the game. (答案:suffered from) 2. **角色扮演**:两人一组,用 "against the rules" 和 "take pride in" 设计一段校园对话。 ---#### **模块7-9:文学与科技发展** **阅读材料**: Mark Twain, a **well-known** American writer, created **amazing adventures** in his books. His characters often **escape** from danger and **realise** the importance of courage. **In a way**, his stories **influence** readers to value **honesty** and **knowledge**. **练习**: 1. **词形转换**:invent → ________ (名词) → inventor(答案:invention) 2. **讨论题**:用 "compare...to..." 和 "electronic" 分析纸质书与电子书的优缺点。 ---#### **模块10-12:环保与社会责任** **倡议书模板**: **According to** recent studies, **plastic** waste is **polluting** our oceans. We should **reduce** the use of **rubber** products and **recycle** materials like **cloth** and **glass**. **Remember**, even a small action can protect our planet from becoming **hopeless**! **练习**: 1. **填词游戏**:横向(答案:recycle, enemy, crop);纵向(答案:policy, ton)。 2. **辩论题**:Is it better to **throw away** old things or **repair** them? 用模块12词汇支持观点。 ---### **复习建议** 1. **每日一练**:选择5个单词编写迷你故事(如:shine, silent, reply, clear, stream)。 2. **互动游戏**: - **单词接龙**:用前一个单词的尾字母开头(如:wonder → reply → yesterday)。 - **情景卡片**:抽取单词卡,即兴编对话(如:punish, exam, fail, apologize)。 3. **错题本**:整理易混淆词(如:borrow/lend, die of/die for)并标注例句。 --- **效果检测**: - 每周进行一次单词听写,覆盖高频词和易错词。 - 小组合作完成主题海报(如“环保行动”),强制使用10个模块词汇。 通过结合生活场景、多样化练习和趣味活动,学生能在语境中高效记忆单词,同时提升语言应用能力。


学习方案需要满足以下要求:* 全面性:覆盖单词表中的所有单词。* 有效性:能够帮助学生真正理解和掌握单词,而不仅仅是死记硬背。* 趣味性:学习过程有趣、生动,能够激发学生的学习兴趣。* 学段适应性:学习内容和形式符合学生的认知水平和学习特点。



以下是一套围绕所给单词表(从 Module 1 到 Module 12)设计的、适合初三学生复习单词的“语境化”学习材料示例。整体思路是通过**主题阅读**(或对话)、**词汇巩固练习**和**表达互动任务**三个环节,让学生在具体情境中理解并运用核心词汇,达到高效记忆的目的。教师可根据实际教学进度和学生水平进行取舍或调整。---## 总体结构说明1. **主题阅读 / 场景对话(Reading/Dialogue)** - 用英文创设真实或仿真的语境,将本模块的核心词汇(加粗显示)自然嵌入。 - 可根据难度添加图片、音频等辅助材料,以帮助学生理解。2. **词汇巩固练习(Vocabulary Exercises)** - 包含多种题型:词义配对、句子填空、同义替换/反义词、选择题、判断正误等,帮助学生进一步掌握词形、词义和用法。3. **表达互动任务(Speaking/Writing Tasks)** - 包括口头表达或书面表达,鼓励学生运用所学词汇进行有意义的输出。以下按照每个 Module 的词汇,分别给出一段示例阅读/对话、练习与表达任务示例。篇幅有限,每段阅读示例仅做示范,教师可灵活扩展。---# Module 1 (词汇范围:man-made ~ by)### 一、主题阅读:Visiting a Natural **Wonder**> Last week, my family and I visited a **natural** wonder in the **eastern** part of our country. **Though** the weather was a bit cloudy, we were all excited. When we arrived, we saw **millions of** stars in the sky at night—**wow**! That place was more than just a canyon; it was full of **man-made** bridges that helped tourists **go through** the mountains. **In my opinion**, it’s one of the most amazing places in the world. > The next morning, we got up early to watch the sunlight **shine** on the silent **silver** river **below** the cliff. The **grey** clouds began to **clear** away, and a beautiful rainbow appeared **beside** the waterfall. We walked **by** a small village where people lived simple lives. They treated us with kindness and asked if we wanted to stay longer. We decided to **remain** there for another day so we could join a local **discussion** about protecting this wonder.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **选词填空**(从下列词汇中选出合适的单词完成句子,每空一词) *man-made / natural / opinion / below / shine / remain* 1. In my ____, we should spend more time in _______ places rather than big cities. 2. The sun began to _______ brightly over the mountain. 3. There is a small river _______ the bridge. 4. Some people believe _______ lakes are not as beautiful as natural ones. 5. I decided to _______ at home because it started to rain heavily.2. **中英配对** 将下列英语词汇与其中文含义配对: 1) canyon 2) stream 3) discuss 4) silent A. 小溪 B. 讨论 C. 寂静的 D. 峡谷 ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 与同桌分享一次你见过或听说过的“自然奇观”或“人造奇观”,使用本模块的词汇(如 *natural, man-made, wonder, opinion, discussion* 等)。 - 建议从以下方面展开:奇观的地点、特点、你对它的看法(In my opinion…)。2. **写作任务:**(约80词) - 题目:*A Place Worth Visiting* - 要求:简单描述一个令人惊叹的地方,运用至少5个本模块单词(加粗标出)。 ---# Module 2 (词汇范围:found ~ ourselves)### 一、主题阅读:A Festival to **Found** a New Town> Our town was **founded** over 100 years ago, and **since then**, the people here have kept many traditions alive. For example, we raise the national **flag** every morning in the town square and hold festivals **until** late at night. During the festival season, children take **a vacation** from school. They have fun going to music shows performed by local **bands**. **As soon as** they hear the drums, they start to dance! > This year, on the **fourth** day of the festival, we invited guests from the **UK**. They arrived among huge cheers, and one of them gave a **speech** about being a modern **pioneer**. He said we should learn to **grow** our own **corn** and other crops. On the **following** day, we **laid** the table for a big feast. When the festival was **over**, we washed the **dishes** and relaxed, thinking about how proud we were of our hometown. It was a celebration we will remember **ourselves** for a long time.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **选词填空**(从下列词汇中选出合适的单词完成句子) *founded / flag / until / band / vacation / following / ourselves* 1. They _______ the school in 1970, and it has a long history. 2. We can’t leave _______ the rain stops. 3. My favorite rock _______ is performing tonight. 4. We are going on _______ next week—no school! 5. On the _______ day, we cleaned the house together by _______. 2. **单词-中文含义匹配** 1) speech 2) pioneer 3) lay the table 4) corn A. 摆放餐桌 B. 先锋,先驱 C. 演讲 D. 玉米 ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 请描述你理想中的假期(vacation),可以包括活动、地点、是否听乐队(band)演出等,试着使用本模块的词汇。2. **写作任务:**(约80词) - 题目:*My Favorite Festival* - 提示:在介绍节日时,可提及它是在什么时候(e.g., on the fourth day of…), 有哪些活动,是否有升旗仪式(flag),是否有演讲(speech)等。---# Module 3 (词汇范围:including ~ Canada)### 一、场景对话:**Amazing** Medical **Inventions**> **A:** Did you hear about the new hospital program **including** free check-ups? > **B:** Yes, it’s supported by the local government. Many people will **attend** the event this weekend. Some of them have never been **abroad**, so they think getting an international check-up standard is exciting. > **A:** I also heard there will be a famous **doctor** who has a **degree** from a top university. > **B:** **Whatever** happens, we shouldn’t **give up** on our health. > **A:** That’s true. A healthy body gives us the **will** to fight for **victory** in life. > **B:** It’s **simply** amazing how far medical science has come. Even a **Canadian** team of **soldiers** once received treatment in this hospital during the war. They needed doctors to **treat** their **wounded** friends. Some even had to **die for** their country. > **A:** That’s sad. But I **realise** many patients were **dying** because of a lack of medical care back then. > **B:** Now doctors can **take care of** them with the latest tools and **inventions**. And guess what? The lead doctor used to work **on his own**, using very **useful** equipment. > **A:** Fascinating! I hope this hospital can continue to do great **operations** for patients here and in **Canada** as well.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **判断正误(T/F)** 1. “abroad” 意思是“在国内”。 2. “give up” 表示“坚持”。 3. “dying” 与 “wounded” 都可以形容病人的严重状况。 4. “invention” 指“发明,创造物”。 2. **英译汉练习** - 选出正确的中文意思: 1) treat - A. 对待/治疗 - B. 欺骗 2) take care of - A. 专心于某事 - B. 照顾/护理 ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 与同学讨论:“在你看来(in your opinion),现代医学中最重要的发明(invention)是什么?为什么?” - 可以从设备、技术、对社会的影响等角度阐述。2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*A Medical Hero* - 要求:写一位在医学上有贡献的人物(虚构或真实),说明其所做的重要工作及影响,使用至少5个本模块新词汇。---# Module 4 (词汇范围:platform ~ task)### 一、主题阅读:Missing the Train> Last Monday, I rushed to the railway station, hoping not to **miss** my train. However, the station was crowded. When I finally got to the **platform**, the train doors were already **shut**. I tried to **lock** my suitcase and look for a simple solution, but **anybody** I asked gave me different instructions. Then I heard the station **clock** **ring**. I realized I was late. Disappointed, I left my ticket at the **address** I had planned to visit, sending them a **text message** about my delay. > A **couple** of hours later, I managed to calm down. I decided to get a bus instead. **Actually**, I was a bit **unhappy** because this trip was for **business**. My boss wouldn’t be pleased. Eventually, I fell asleep on a **sofa** in the waiting room. When I woke up, I felt hungry, so I grabbed a **snack** and realized it was nearly **midnight**. I knew I had to plan better next time. Missing this train had been a difficult **task** for me to handle, but it taught me to be more punctual in the future.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **填空题** - The train left from ____ (站台) 3. - Don’t forget to ____ (锁上) the door when you leave. - I was asleep on the ____ (沙发) when my phone rang. - I need your home ____ (地址) to send you a package.2. **英汉互译** 1) ring (作动词) 2) text message ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 小组讨论:如果你错过了火车/公交/飞机,你会怎么做?试使用本模块的词汇,如 *platform, miss, lock, clock, text message, snack, midnight* 等进行情景对话。2. **写作任务:**(约80词) - 题目:*An Unforgettable Journey* - 要求:描述一次你印象深刻的行程,包括你做了哪些准备、是否遇到困难、如何应对,可适当使用本模块词汇。---# Module 5 (词汇范围:upstairs ~ whole)### 一、主题阅读:No **Entry** to the Museum?> When I walked **upstairs** in the old museum, I saw an **exhibition** sign saying “No **Entry**”. It was **against the rules** to go further without permission. I was worried I might get **in trouble** if I moved the sign. Through the door, I noticed a cat with a black **tail** playing with a piece of **rope**. “**No wonder** the guard put the sign there,” I thought. “He doesn’t want the cat to escape.” I realized something was **missing**—the cat’s collar! I headed **downstairs**, hoping to report it. But before I could find the guard, he came and **punished** me for trying to go into a restricted area. > “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m just a student studying **communications**, and I thought I could help.” > “**No good**,” he replied. “You’re not allowed here.” > Fortunately, he let me go after I explained. Then I showed him some photos of the museum to prove I was interested in helping. “The museum is for people **of all ages**,” he said. “But you must follow the rules as a **whole**.”### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **选词填空** - upstairs / entry / missing / rope / punished / communications / no wonder 1. We studied _______ at college to learn about media and technology. 2. The dog ran _______ so quickly that I couldn’t catch it. 3. When the teacher found out, he _______ the student for cheating. 4. I forgot my ticket, so I had no _______ to the show. 5. Your phone is _______? _______ you can’t call me! 2. **单项选择** 1) The sign “No Entry” means _______. A. You cannot come in. B. You must pay money first. C. You can come anytime. ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 讨论:在公共场所(比如博物馆、美术馆),为什么要遵守规则(against the rules)? 如果有人违反规则该怎么办(in trouble, punish, etc.)?2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*A Museum Visit* - 要求:描述一次博物馆参观经历,可包含你看到的展览(exhibition)、是否遇到禁止入内(No Entry)的标志,如何处理等。---# Module 6 (词汇范围:deal ~ pocket money)### 一、主题阅读:Changing **Habits**> I made a **deal** with my parents: if I passed my **exam** this week, I wouldn’t **fail** any more tests for the rest of the month! I started to play the **guitar** only after I finished my schoolwork. Playing this **musical** **instrument** used to be a bad **habit**—I did it all the time! Now I’m trying to get into the habit of finishing my **volunteer** work first. My parents say it’s **necessary** to put study before everything. It’s a **shame** that I can’t practice music as much, but **instead** of feeling sad, I’ve joined a **community** music club. This way, I can improve my **knowledge** of music without neglecting my studies. My dad’s **point** is that I should **consider** both study and music. He usually has the last word in our house. But this time, I feel we reached an agreement **together**. He even gave me some extra **pocket money** for repairing my guitar. ### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **选词填空**(从下列词汇中选出正确的形式) *deal / habit / shame / necessary / community / pocket money* 1. I have a bad _______ of staying up too late. 2. It’s _______ for everyone to protect the environment. 3. What a _______, you missed the concert! 4. Our school organized a clean-up in the local _______. 5. My parents made a _______ with me: I must study before I play games. 6. I saved some of my _______ to buy a new book.2. **同义词匹配** - consider - knowledge A. think about B. understanding of something ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 与同伴讨论:你认为学生平衡“学习与爱好”是否**necessary**?怎样的**deal**或者“家庭规定”可以帮助你改掉不好的**habit**?2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*My New Habit* - 要求:介绍你最近养成的一个好习惯,或你想要改变的一个坏习惯,并说明为什么这样做。运用本模块至少5个词汇。---# Module 7 (词汇范围:discuss ~ surprised)### 一、主题阅读:A Well-Known **Adventure**> Recently, our literature club **discussed** a book by a famous **thinker**. He was very **wise**, and his novel got a lot of positive **reviews**. The story had a huge **influence** on me; it really made **sense** and helped me see the world differently. **By the way**, I **suppose** you’ve heard of this **well-known** author. He wrote about an amazing **adventure**, where the main character **got into trouble** for lying and had to **run away** to a secret **cave**. Everyone thought he was **dead** **for a time**, but he returned later to his **neighbour**, who was holding a **funeral** for him! Imagine how **surprised** they were to see he was still **alive**!### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **根据英文释义写出正确单词** 1. Someone who is very smart and has important ideas about life and the world = _______ (以“t”开头) 2. The act of reading a book or movie and giving your opinion about it = _______ (以“r”开头) 3. A long trip or experience full of excitement and risk = _______ (以“a”开头)2. **单句改写** - 原句:He got into trouble because he lied. - 改写:Because of his lie, he _______. ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 小组讨论:如果你遇到了像小说主人公一样的冒险( adventure )或麻烦(trouble),你会怎么处理?使用本模块词汇,如 *discuss, wise, influence, run away, for a time, funeral, alive, surprised* 等。2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*A Surprising Return* - 要求:想象一个情节:某人失踪(for a time),大家都以为他/她“dead”,却突然出现,让所有人十分“surprised”。写一个简短故事,运用本模块词汇。---# Module 8 (词汇范围:stand for ~ take pride in)### 一、主题阅读:A Sporting **Victory**> Our school name **stands for** courage and honor in sports. In **memory** of last year’s big basketball **point**, we made an important **decision** to train harder. We had no **excuse** for being lazy at **noon** practice. Each player found a **seat** in the gym and agreed there was **no way** to success without effort. Even though we missed some **fair** chances, we never gave up. Our coach told us not to get **mad** over small mistakes. Instead, we learned to be good **sportsmen** and keep trying. Eventually, we broke the school’s **high jump** record. This was all thanks to our improved **ability**. Our star hurdler used a new **method** for **hurdles**, similar to what he saw in **Japan**. He even **broke** a personal record. No one can **stop** you from doing your best if you have enough **courage**. We all **take pride in** this wonderful **victory**.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **选词填空** - stand for / no way / ability / courage / take pride in / fair / break (broke) 1. Our school letters _______ respect and kindness. 2. He had the _______ to finish the race even though he was injured. 3. There is _______ you can win if you don’t train harder. 4. We _______ our team’s achievements. 5. This is a _______ decision; everyone gets an equal chance. 6. She _______ the record for the long jump last month.2. **匹配题** 1) sportsman 2) hurdles 3) method A. 跨栏赛跑 B. 方法 C. 运动员 ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 与同学分享一次你觉得“最有成就感”的运动经历。尝试使用:*courage, take pride in, break a record, sportsman/sportswoman* 等词汇。2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*My Sports Hero* - 要求:介绍一位你敬佩的运动员,写他/她如何训练,如何取得victory,为什么值得骄傲等,使用本模块词汇。---# Module 9 (词汇范围:borrow ~ varied)### 一、主题阅读:A School **Website** for Sharing> Our class has decided to **borrow** some books from the library and **put up** a notice on our school **website**. We want everyone to have access to new reading materials. If you need more information, just send me an email or **mail** a letter. We have thousands of pages in our shared drive, and everyone is welcome to help with **electronic** **technology** if needed. It’s quite **powerful**—the **memory** of our shared folder is almost **full**! If any files break, we can try to **fix** them. Make sure you follow the **instructions** carefully. If you prefer to **lend** your books to others, do it **properly** so they can **look through** them easily. We plan to have the first **printing** of a collection of student works next month—one piece **at a time**. We’ll do it **by hand** if necessary. This project shows the latest **development** in our reading club. We hope our project will **spread** quickly so that a large **amount** of students can benefit. The books will be **stored** in the new library so they can be shared in **varied** forms. Let’s see if we can get a better **connection** and make every single piece count—maybe even in more than one **direction**. One day, we might **replace** paper with e-books. We’ll have to **wait and see**!### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **多项选择** 1) Which word means “寄出(信件、邮件)”? A. mail B. borrow C. fix 2) Which word means “正确地,适当地”? A. powerful B. properly C. fully 2. **词性转换** - connection (n.) → _______ (v.) 表示“连接” - development (n.) → _______ (v.) 表示“发展” - varied (adj.) → _______ (v.) 表示“变化” ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 讨论:你是否愿意把自己的书籍**lend**给同学?你觉得学校是否应该**replace**纸质书籍?为什么?(运用本模块词汇)2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*My Ideal Library* - 要求:描述你理想中的图书馆或阅读空间,包括技术设施(technology, electronic),如何储存(store)书籍,如何交流(connection),以及可能存在的问题(need to fix…),使用至少5个本模块新词汇。---# Module 10 (词汇范围:here we go ~ granddaughter)### 一、主题阅读:A Trip to the **Central** Lake> **Here we go** on an amazing journey to the **central** part of the country! **According to** local legends, the lake has **magical** properties, and its **height** above sea level is perfect for sailing a **boat**. In the **northeast**, you can see sheep grazing peacefully. One farmer wears a funny **hat** to **keep** the flies **away** from his face. He says if he didn’t, a swarm of **flies** might land on him! He also carries a pair of **scissors** to **cut** the wool **off** his sheep. He uses the wool to make warm blankets. He records this in his **diary** to keep track of the best time to do so—he **hates** forgetting important details. He’s also proud of his farm because at one **period** in history, people believed spirits lived here. He says they had a close **relationship** with nature. Once, his **relative**, who was his great **granddaughter**, visited and was amazed by the fresh wool and delicious food like **ham**, **salad**, and **grapes**. She even tried **surf**ing on the lake! Her favorite activity was **riding** horses, but she confessed she sometimes felt **lazy** and preferred a relaxing **ride** through the countryside.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **完成句子** 1. We cut the sheep’s _______ with _______ (剪刀). 2. He kept a _______ (日记) to record every interesting event. 3. My grandma is my father’s mother, so I am her _______ (孙女). 2. **词义判断** - “according to” 表示 “尽管” ( ) 正确/错误? - “period” 表示 “一段时期” ( ) 正确/错误? ### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 讨论:如果你去到一个“magical”地方旅游,你会做哪些活动?如**surf**ing、**riding**、看**sheep**,等等。使用本模块词汇描述你的行程或感受。2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*My Magical Travel Experience* - 要求:虚构或真实皆可,描述你到某个充满神奇氛围的地方旅游的经历,可提到自然风景、与亲友(relative)的互动,以及让你印象深刻的收获。---# Module 11 (词汇范围:bet ~ present)### 一、主题阅读:The **Standard** of a Great Cook> “I **bet** you can’t guess my secret recipe,” said Lucy. “**The thing is**, I don’t have a **general** recipe—I cook by **feeling**.” She admitted it was sometimes a **difficulty** to prepare a dish without a set **subject** in mind. As she cooked, she would **add** ingredients she’d tried **recently** from different menus. “You **may be in with a chance** to taste something new tonight,” she joked. > “Let me **read out** my list of winners,” Lucy continued. “The best dish last year was my tomato pasta. The **winner** was so surprised that the judges **compared with** other dishes and still found it the best. **Even though** I had to **rush** to finish it on time, it turned out well. I almost spilled sauce on my new **blouse** and **skirt**, but I managed to **protect** them with an apron.” > At the end of the evening, the **singer** in the restaurant said, “**Congratulations** to our chef Lucy!” The **headmaster** of the local cooking school came in to **present** her with a special award. Lucy had shown great creativity under pressure and proved that cooking could be both fun and delicious.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **多选题** 1) “I bet” 的含义是: A. 我确定 B. 我怀疑 C. 我不知道 2) “read out” 的意思是: A. 写出来 B. 大声读出来 C. 默读 2. **用所给词汇完成短文** *standard / difficulty / rush / singer / congratulations / present* Yesterday, I faced a _______ in my cooking class. I had to meet the highest _______ for the final test. I didn’t want to _______ my work, but there was no time. A famous _______ visited our class and said, “_________, you passed!” Then the teacher came to _______ me with a certificate.### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 你觉得评判一个“好厨师”或“好作品”的**standard**是什么?可以从口感、创意、健康等方面说明,并用到 **rush, difficulty, compare…with…** 等词汇。2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*My Cooking Experience* - 要求:写一次烹饪经历,包含如何克服困难(difficulty)、是否赶时间(rush)、最终结果如何,是否获得别人的**congratulations**等,使用本模块词汇。---# Module 12 (词汇范围:factory ~ granddaughter)> **说明**:本模块词汇中,“granddaughter”已在 Module 10 使用过,可在此再度复现或可跳过。以下示例着重于“环境保护与资源利用”主题。### 一、主题阅读:**Pollution** and **Recycling**> There’s a large **factory** in our town that used to **pollute** the river. Now it tries to **recycle** more **waste**. They treat pollution like an **enemy**—a big step for our environment! Farmers’ **crops** were dying because of the dirty water, and we were worried about using **oil**. We want **less** pollution and fewer chemicals. It seemed **hopeless** at first, but now things are changing. The town also produces fine **china** goods, which are carefully **divided** into different **plastic** boxes based on quality. This **policy** helps keep things organized. We can also **reuse** glass **bottles** by washing and refilling them instead of just **throwing** them **away**. To help reduce pollution, we often **repeat** certain steps in processing. We also try to **reduce** the amount of **cloth** thrown out. > Last year, we collected over ten **tons** of old **rubber** and sent it to a **recycling** plant. It was a **rapid** operation. Each **step** was monitored to ensure safety. My **grandson** and **granddaughter** helped too, showing that all generations can contribute. Protecting the environment isn’t just a trend—it’s essential for our future.### 二、词汇巩固练习1. **选择题** 1) Which word means “不再抱希望的,无望的”? A. plastic B. hopeless C. reduce 2) Which phrase means “扔掉”? A. throw away B. throw up C. throw in 2. **句子改错** - 原句:We can reusing these plastic bottles. - 改为:We can _______ these plastic bottles.### 三、表达互动任务1. **口头表达:** - 分组讨论:生活中我们可以做哪些事情来“reduce”浪费,或者“reuse”资源?平时是否注意“throw away”垃圾分类?运用本模块词汇进行情景交流。2. **写作任务:** - 题目:*My Green Life* - 要求:谈谈你日常生活中如何保护环境、循环利用(recycling)、减少浪费(reduce waste)等,使用本模块至少5个词汇。---## 教学建议与拓展1. **词汇复习顺序与频度** - 根据学生掌握情况,有针对性地先复习易混淆词、形近词或常用词。 - 建议在课前或课后分层布置任务,鼓励学生反复接触、输出关键词汇。2. **多模态输入** - 除了阅读材料,也可以结合图片、音频、视频等多种方式呈现,从而加深学生对词汇的理解与记忆。3. **分组活动与角色扮演** - 在表达互动任务中,鼓励学生分组完成对话、短剧表演等,以提高使用词汇的灵活度与趣味性。4. **词汇笔记与思维导图** - 指导学生制作个人词汇本、思维导图或词汇卡片,将同主题或同词性的单词归纳在一起,便于记忆。5. **持续跟踪与评价** - 通过随堂小测、课后作业、口语展示等形式,及时检查学生对新词汇的掌握情况,给予反馈并及时复习。---以上材料仅作示例,教师可根据学生水平、课时长短进行精简或扩充,灵活运用于课堂和课后,让初三学生在“真实语境”中不断巩固与运用所学词汇,真正提升词汇量与语言运用能力。祝教学顺利!

同学们,利用DeepSeek R1的深度学习能力,复习英语单词是不是变得高效、有趣、而且更有深度了?




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